Project Configuration

Project-level configuration files - oxygen.conf.js

Starting from version 1.0, oxygen-cli no longer supports suite definitions using JSON files, and instead supports only project level configuration via a file named oxygen.conf.js . An example configuration file is listed below. Please note, that the file should be named exactly oxygen.conf.js and located in the project directory along with all the test scripts, in order for oxygen-cli to recognize it.

To launch a project using configuration file, execute: oxygen oxygen.conf.js Pass full path to the configuration file if necessary.

module.exports = {

    // ============
    // Suites
    // ============
    // For example, here we have two suites defined, with first suite having two cases
    // and second suite having only a single case.
    suites: [
            name: 'Selenium',    // suite name
            cases: [             // cases inside this suite
                    path: './tests/selenium-with-po.js'
                    path: './tests/pdf.js'
            name: 'Visual',
            cases: [
                    path: './tests/visual.js'
    // ============
    // Capabilities
    // ============
    // If "concurrency" value is greater than 1, 
    // tests with different capabilities will be executed in parallel.
    concurrency: 1,
    capabilities: [
            browserName: 'chrome',    // execute on Chrome
            browserName: 'firefox',   // execute on Firefox
    // ============
    // Parameters
    // ============
    parameters : {
        file: '<excel or csv file path>',
        mode: 'seq', // can be 'random' or 'all' as well
    // ============
    // Iterations
    // ============
    // Tests will run only once if iterations number is not explicitly specified.
    iterations: 1,
    // ============
    // Selenium & Appium server URLs
    // ============
    // If not specified, the default URLs will be used
    seleniumUrl: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
    appiumUrl: 'http://localhost:4723/wd/hub',

    // ============
    // Services
    // ============
    // List services you want to enable during the test execution.
    // Available services: selenium-standalone | devtools
    // selenium-standalone needs to be installed with `npm i @wdio/selenium-standalone-service` first. 
    services: ['selenium-standalone', 'devtools'],   
    // ============
    // Modules
    // ============
    // List modules you want to enable during the test execution.
    // Loading unnecessary modules might slow down your test execution, 
    // so only load modules that are used in the test.
    // See here for a list of available modules.
    modules: ['web', 'db', 'log', 'assert', 'pdf', 'http', 'email'],

    // ============
    // Framework
    // ============
    // Define a testing framework for this project. 
    // Available frameworks: oxygen | cucumber
    framework: 'oxygen',

    // ============
    // Reporting
    // ============
    // Define test reporter format and corresponding options. 
    // Multiple reporter formats can be specified.
    // Available reporters: json | html | junit | excel | pdf | xml
    reporting: {
        reporters: ['json'],
    // ==========
    // Applitools
    // ==========
    // Define your Applitools service API key.
    // This is only for when using the `eyes` module.
    applitoolsOpts: {
    // ==========
    // Hooks
    // ==========
    // Oxygen provides several hooks that can be used to interfere with the test
    // execution process. 
    hooks: {
        // Hook that gets executed before the test starts.
        // At this point, Oxygen has been already initialized, so you
        // can access Oxygen functionality via relevant modules. 
        beforeTest: function(runId, options, caps) {
        beforeSuite: function(suiteDef) {
        beforeCase: function(caseDef) {
  'Hey there! Case is about to start.');
        beforeCommand: function(cmdDef) {
        afterCommand: function(cmdResult) {
        afterCase: function(caseDef, caseResult) {
        afterSuite: function(suiteDef, suiteResult) {
        afterTest: function(runId, testResult) {

Please see the Sample Project for an example of a project configuration file.

Last updated

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